M.G. Industries (Regd.) a partnership concern was established in 1989 by young, qualified, most experienced
persons for the manufacture of malleable cast iron galvanized pipe fittings with the Brand name 'MG', "a registered
trade mark". We manufacture the excellent quality pipe fittings which confirms by this fact that we have been granted a licence to use ISI Mark on 'MG' brand pipe fittings by the bureau of Indian Standards since 1990.
'MG' brand pipe fittings are being manufactured as per standards laid by bureau of Indian Standards specifications as per IS:1879/2010 part (I to X). The firm is manufacturing complete range of pipe fittings being used for Water Line installation with a minimum working pressure of 300 lbs/inch2 or 21.42 kgf/cm2 hydraulically. Our pipe fittings withstand minimum working pressure of 2.1 mpa equalant to 21 bars hydraulically...
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